Saturday, July 20, 2013

CIA and Zombies.


I was a C.I.A. agent who's specialty was killing zombies and, I was pretty awesome. I was at my friend Callie's house where I had trapped a ton of zombies into this one small room. So I'm running around the home all like, "We gotta set some bombs off." So I start adding little flashing metal things that apparently are the bombs, all around the door to the room where I've quarantined all the zombies. As soon as they all began to blink rapidly I realize I do not have enough time to get out of the home before they all blow so I leap and duck behind one of their sofas. As soon as I land on the floor the bombs all explode, going off all action-movie like.

As soon as some of the smoke cleared I stood from my hiding spot and looked around the room to find that the only things that were really affected by the explosion were the windows but, hey all the zombies had disappeared without a trace so I was okay with it.

The next thing I do it call in my S.W.A.T team and we figure that we have to replace all of the windows but, all we have to replace them with is poster board so we make due with that. I decide to stay with my team just in case some undead decided to pop up again. I look over at my team to find that they're no longer there but instead Callie and her family, along with a childhood friend by the name of Haley, are all sitting around lazily on the couches. I grab a spot next to Haley and notice that she is pregnant. For minutes we're all just sitting in this "blah" atmosphere when suddenly Haley's baby just kind of pops out. No pain, or pushing or anything it just kind of falls onto the floor. The baby is then greeted with everyone's bored "ooh, congrats..." and what-not.

Suddenly I perk up and immediately walk over to the nearest window and, moved the poster board just enough to look out and see that a bunch of zombies shambling towards the house. I'm worried because I'm the only one with a gun in the home but, just as I was reaching the peak of my fear, my S.W.A.T team comes riding into the yard in a jeep all whooping and stuff. So, I'm relieved and like, "YEA!" Within a few seconds my team kills the group of zombies and then drive away. My happiness is short-lived after that because right down the road I see another group of zombies making their way towards the house. They actually make it to the house though, with no help from my team this time. I look out at the group of zoms to see that they're a football team of zombies and my friend Aaron, who was only in football in middle school, is one of them. He wobbles up to one of the windows and looks between some of the poster board and spots us but instead of breaking through the window, he goes to the front door and tries to break in that way.

"Well, crap." I muttered as I back away from the window and look over towards another window to see a whole gang of black zombies (I'm not racist, I can't control dreams) standing in the window, the leader of them looks right at me and in a scratchy voice says, "We gonna eat-chall niggas."

Well, I didn't want that to happen so I grab the closest person to me which is the other Haley, and her baby and we run to the back bedroom. As soon as I have the door closed behind us I turn back to see that were not alone in the room. There is a woman in a very 80s work-out leotard and she has a "mighty need" to exercise. I ignore her and hurry past get to the window with Haley and her baby. As soon as I remove the blinds from that window I'm greeted by a group of celebrity zombies, one being Eddie Murphey. So I then, take a knife (even though I had a fully loaded gun) and start stabbing them all in the head but, my knife breaks off in one of their heads and in the back of the group I see the grim reaper like chillin, standing amoung the zombies. I call out to him, "HEY! Can I borrow that for a sec?" I pointed to his scythe.

He points to it and is like "What? No." and starts to back away, offended that I asked him that.

"Well, fine. Jerk!" I replied and slammed the curtains shut as hard as curtains can be and ran back into the living room where I see Haley and her baby being taken out the front window so I turn around and run back to the bedroom and as I entered the room I was no longer in the house but, in a cafeteria where a musical was happening about lunch time.

Then I woke up.

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